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Using audience response systems (clickers) results in positive outcome
3 pages (750 words) , Download 72 , Research Paper
A study conducted twice in 2005 in an introductory biology class taught by the same instructor assessed whether using clickers could help them improve test scores at the end of the semester (Freeman, et al., 2007).
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Personal and National Security
3 pages (750 words) , Download 50 , Research Paper
Security is one of the basic necessities of all the people so that they can live in a harmonious environment, hence to ensure security of personal and civil liberties there is a thin line which need not be crossed under any circumstances. To some extent violation of the rights of individuals as well as civil liberties to ensure the security of the nation is justified.
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Phase-Array Radar and Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 15 , Research Paper
The relative phases are capable of variations, hence allowing steering of the radar beams. Applications in radars are most common particularly in which the beams need to be shifted from one place to another within the space. It also helps in obtaining data that require flexibility in the collection of the data (Skolnik, 2007, p.278).
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Working with employees
2 pages (500 words) , Download 39 , Research Paper
Working with employees A working climate determines the kind of output you get from your work. Employees require a good environment to be work around in order to give high yield in productivity. Employees are human labor that require motivation in order to continue functioning.
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Same sex Marriages
3 pages (750 words) , Download 45 , Research Paper
Seemingly, there seems to be a shift in our thinking, culture and a sort of change in attitude of how we view gays and lesbians today. Today, people are more open about there sexual orientation and therefore it has become more acceptable these days.
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Popular Literature Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 14 , Research Paper
In the well scripted and adventurous book, it exposes the schemes made by the Catholic Church to create misconceived awareness about the destructive knowledge of science so that people can be drawn back to religion and especially so, the Catholic faith. He brings back to life, an old well known brotherhood known as the Illuminati that was said to be made up of the greatest scientist in time; he uses their symbolism to make the story even more convincing and captivating.
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University education courses for teachers
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 33 , Research Paper
With the knowledge base ever increasing, in terms of depth and diversity, it is essential that the method of imparting knowledge are monitored, researched, optimized and revised on a continuous basis.
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Job application summary of qualifications (Personal statement)

2 pages (500 words) , Download 14 , Personal Statement
I believe that with my strong IT background and experience, I will be the right choice for the position of an IS Functional Analyst. This is the type of position that basically requires excellent communication skills as an analyst's job is to look at something unorganized and random, and turn it into useful information that everyone understands.
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European History, The French Revolution

2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Personal Statement
At that time financial system of the monarchy had no centralized bank or treasury and coupled with the fact that the state got involved in a number of wars, the economic condition consistently deteriorated with the state taking more loans than what it could repay.
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Foodborne Illness
2 pages (500 words) , Download 11 , Personal Statement
The author states that last year there were over 75 million cases of food poisoning in the United States. At that rate, we can expect more than 20,000 cases in the student population this year at Penn State. In light of these startling statistics, he proposes writing a letter to Robert Steele, dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences.
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